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What's your why?

Only when you know your WHY will your life change, starting with your habits.

  • If you have a strong WHY your transformation and goals will become easier to reach.

  • It will be a reminder every time you hit that wall to break through it.

  • I do what I do because:

    • I want to support women

    • help my mental health and

    • be strong, fit and healthy for my kids.

Fitness can change lives

Whether you’re a complete beginner to the gym or just looking to make the leap to reaching new personal bests, I have a wealth of experience working with women in Cambridge to make sure that your fitness journey is taken as seriously as you need it to be, working with you to help you reach your goals and achieve the level of fitness that you’d like to attain.

Head on over to my contact page to book an initial chat or if you want to know a bit more take a look at the different classes I offer from personal training to boxing and boxing bootcamps.

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